Yamamoto Laboratory

Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
国立大学法人 名古屋工業大学 工学研究科 情報工学専攻 山本研究室


  1. 大浦圭一郎,山本大介,内匠逸,李章伸,徳田恵一, キャンパスの公共空間におけるユーザ参加型双方向音声案内デジタルサイネージシステムの構築, 人工知能学会誌, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.60-67, 2013.1.
  2. 長尾 確,大平 茂輝,山本 大介,オンラインビデオアノテーションの現状と課題, 映像情報メディア学会誌,Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 173-177.(2010.2).

book chapter

  1. Keitaro Wakabayashi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, A Voice Dialog Editor Based on Finite State Transducer Using Composite State for Tablet Devices, Computer and Information Science 2015, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 614, pp.125-139, 2016.
  2. Keiichi Tokuda, Akinobu Lee, Yoshihiko Nankaku, Keiichiro Oura, Kei Hashimoto, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ichi Takumi, Takahiro Uchiya, Shuhei Tsutsumi, Steve Renals, Junichi Yamagishi , User Generated Dialogue Systems: uDialogue, Human-Harmonized Information Technology, springer, vol. 2, pp. 77-114, 2017.

Journal Paper

  1. Sogo Mizutani, Yonghwan Kim, Sogo Mizutani, Automatic Generation of Geographically Accurate Bus Route Maps and its Evaluation, International Journal On Advances in Software, no. 3&4, pp.165-174, 2022.
  2. 古市 瑞希, 山本 大介, 高橋 直久, ブロック型ビジュアルプログラミング機能を有する音声対話シナリオ編集システム, 情処論文誌デジタルコンテンツ, No. 8, Vol.2, pp.1-15, 2020.
  3. Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takahiro Uchiya, Ichi Takumi, MMDAE: Dialog scenario editor for MMDAgent on the web browser, ICT Express, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp.47-51, 2019.
  4. Daisuke Yamamoto, Masaki Murase and Naohisa Takahashi, On-Demand Generalization of Road Networks based on Facility Search Results, IEICE Transactions on Information and System, Vol.E102-D, No.1, pp.99-103, Jan. 2019.
  5. Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takahiro Uchiya and Ichi Takumi, Web-based environment for user generation of spoken dialog for virtual assistants, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2018:17, 2018.
  6. 竹内 健佑, 山本 大介, 高橋 直久, LeafletとOpenStreetMapを用いたFocus+Glue+Contextマップインタフェースの開発と評価, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.59, No.12, pp. 2221-2231, 2018.
  7. Daisuke Yamamoto, Masaki Murase and Naohisa Takahashi, Fisheye Map Using Stroke-Based Generalization for Web Map Services, IEICE Transactions on Information and System, Vol. E101.D, No. 1, pp. 171-180, 2018
  8. Takahiro Uchiya, Masaki Yoshida, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryota Nishimura, Ichi Takumi, "Design and Implementation of Open-Campus Event System with Voice Interaction Agent", Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Vol.11, No.3&4, pp237-250, 2015.
  9. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, Pace-Based Clustering of GPS Data for Inferring Visit Locations and Durations on a Trip Date of Evaluation, IEICE Transactions on Information and System, Vol. E97-D No.4, pp.663-672, April 2014.
  10. 立岩 佑一郎, 吉田 裕一, 山本 大介, 高橋 直久, アセンブラプログラミング演習におけるチ・ャ塔Nとプログラム・EXライスに基づく答案プログラム分析システム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌Vol.J96-D,No.06,pp.1513-1525, 2013.
  11. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, Encoding Network-constrained Travel Trajectories using Routing Algorithms, International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, Vol.4, No.1, pp.34-49, 2013.
  12. Hiroya Mizutani, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, A preventing method for overlapping focuses in a Focus+Glue+Context Map, International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, Vol.4, No.1, pp.50-69, 2013.
  13. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, Mouse-Sensitive Following Path Suggestion for Drawing Travel Routes in Web Map Systems, Journal of Geographic Information System, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp.393-402, October 2012.
  14. 森井 敦士, 上垣内 翔太, 山本 大介, 舟橋 健司,VR調理学習システムのための存在確率に基づく粒子による固体群の上下動の表現,日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.539-549, 2011.12.
  15. 伊藤 宏隆,舟橋 健司,山本 大介,内匠 逸,松尾 啓志,齋藤 彰一,過去の学習データに基づく成績予測による教育指導の実践,論文誌 ICT活用教育方法研究, Vol.13, No.1,pp.41-45, 2010.12.
  16. 山本 大介, 小関 章太郎, 高橋 直久, 道なり道路選別手法に基づくFisheye Viewマップ総描手法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, システム開発論文特集号, Vol.J93-D,No.10,pp.1914-1925,Oct. 2010.
  17. 谷口 和也,山本 大介,北神 慎司,高橋 直久,モバイルマップのための意味包含関係に基づく複合アイコン生成方式, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, データ工・w特集号, Vol.J93-D, No.3, pp.170-179, 2010.3.
  18. 山本 大介, 増田 智樹, 大平 茂輝, 長尾 確, タグクラウド共有に基づく協調的映像アノテーション, 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 243-251, 2010.1.
  19. 北神 慎司, 谷口 ・Ea也, 山本 大介, 高橋 直久, モバイルマップ上のランドマークを表示するアイコンのわかりやすさに関する研究, 日本教育工学会論文誌, 33巻−Suppl.号, pp.77-80, 2009.
  20. 山本 大介, 内匠 逸, 松尾 啓志, スマートカード認証履歴を用いた位置情報の取得とそれに基づく学内ソーシャルネットワークサービス, 日本データベース学会論文誌, Vol.8, No.3, pp.13-18, 2009.12. [本文(PDF)]
  21. Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Tomoki MASUDA, Shigeki OHIRA, Katashi NAGAO. Video Scene Annotation Based on Web Social Activities, IEEE Multimedia, Vol.15, No.3, pp.22-32, 2008.9 [本文(PDF)]
  22. Tomoki Masuda, Daisuke Yamamoto, Shigeki Ohira, and Katashi Nagao. Video Scene Retrieval Using Online Video Annotation, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence - JSAI 2007 Conference and Workshops Revised Selected Papers -, LNAI 4914, Springer-Verlag, pp.54-62 (2008.2)
  23. 山本 大介, 増田 智樹, 大平 茂輝, 長尾 確. 映像を話題としたコミュニティ活動支援に基づくアノテーションシステム, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.48, No.12, pp. 3624-3636, 2007.12. [本文(PDF)]
  24. 山本 大介, 長尾 確, 閲覧者によるオンラインビデオコンテンツへのアノテーションとその応用, 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.20, No.1, pp.67-75, 2005.1

International Conference

  1. Yuki Kobayashi, Yonghwan Kim, Daisuke Yamamoto, Road Generalization Method Using Minimum Steiner Tree for Dynamic Generation of Illustrated Maps, Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-based Recommendations, pp. 1-4, 2024.
  2. Daisuke Yamamoto, Yuki Hiura, and Yonghwan Kim. 2024. K-Fewest Turn and Shortest Path Algorithm based on Stroke Graph. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 32-41.
  3. Yonghwan Kim, Masato Amano, and Daisuke Yamamoto. 2023. A 1.5-Approximation Route Finding for a Ride-sharing considering Movement of Passengers. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Sustainable Mobility (SuMob '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 59-69.
  4. Shinsuke Kajioka, Takanori Saito, Daisuke Yamamoto, Indoor/Outdoor Route Estimation Method Based on Global Map Matching Using BLE Beacons and GPS, Proceedings of the GEOProcessing 2023, pp.61-66, 2023.
  5. Daisuke Yamamoto, Hiroya Sekiya, Shinsuke Kajioka, User-Generated Voice Navigation Editing System Using Block-Type Visual Programming Language, Proceedings of the GEOProcessing 2023, pp.44-50, 2023.
  6. Sogo Mizutani, Yonghwan Kim, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, Automatic generation method for geographically accurate bus route maps from bus stops, GEOProcessing 2022, pp.19-24, 2022.
  7. Tomoya Sukigara, Yonghwan Kim, Diasuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, A Street Name-Based Summarization Method for Voice Navigation, GEOProcessing 2022, pp.7-12, 2022.
  8. S. Kajioka, T. Saito, D. Yamamoto, N. Takahashi, Web-Based Geospatial Adjacency Graph Construction Tool for Indoor/Outdoor Beacons, GCCE2021, 2021. (DOI:10.1109/GCCE53005.2021.9622012)
  9. Yonghwan Kim, Hiroaki Fukuyasu, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, A Road Generalization Method using Layered Stroke Networks, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and Geoadvertising, 2019.11.5.
  10. Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryosuke Tanaka, Shinsuke Kajioka, Hiroshi Matsuo, Naohisa Takahashi, Global Map Matching using BLE Beacons for Indoor Route and Stay Estimation, Proc. of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018, pp. 309-318, Seatlle, Nov. 2018. (採択率20%, PDF>)
  11. Takahiro Uchiya, Kiyotaka Sato, Shinsuke Kajioka, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ichi Takumi, Improvement of Indoor Position Estimation of Open-Campus Event System using BLE Beacon, Proc. of 20th International Conference onf Network-Based Information Systems, pp 845-852, 2017.8.
  12. Takahiro Uchiya, Satoshi Otake, Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ichi Takumi, Extraction of User Preferences Based on Voice Interaction, Proc. of IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2017.10.
  13. Ryuhei Kani, Takahiro Uchiya, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryota Nishimura, Ichi Takumi, Proposal of the Communication Mechanism Among Voice-Interactive Digital Signage Systems, Proc. of 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2016), 2016.10.
  14. Yuto Ishida, Takahiro Uchiya, Kouhei Yamamoto, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryota Nishimura, Ichi Takumi, Related Word Recommendation Mechanism for Speech Dialogue System, Proc. of The 19-th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, pp.464-468, 2016.9.
  15. Yuki Hirako, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, Making a semi-convex focus area in a Focus+Glue+Context map in consideration of map visibility and the locations of transportation access points, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science ( IOP Publishing ), Vol.34, No.1, pp.12-15, 2016.05.
  16. Yuichi Matsushita, Takahiro Uchiya, Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ichi Takumi, “Experiment and Evaluation of Crowd Sourcing Model for Creation of Voice Interaction Scenario,” Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp.321-322, 2015. Osaka, Japan, October 27-30, 2015.
  17. Takahiro Uchiya, Ryosuke Nakano, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryota Nishimura, Ichi Takumi, “Extension with Intelligent Agents for the Spoken Dialogue System for Smartphones,” Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp.298-299, 2015. Osaka, Japan, October 27-30, 2015.
  18. Yuichi Matsushita, Takahiro Uchiya, Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto and Ichi Takumi, Crowdsourcing Environment to Create Voice Interaction Scenario of Spoken Dialogue System, HETNET-2015: The 6-th International Workshop on Heterogeneous Networking Environments and Technologies, Taipei, Sep. 2-4, 2015.
  19. Takahiro Uchiya, Masaki Yoshida, Daisuke Yamamoto and Ichi Takumi, Development of Open-Campus System Using Voice Interaction Agent, INWC-2015: The 5-th International Workshop on Information Networking and Wireless Communications, Taipei, Sep. 2-4, 2015.
  20. Keitaro Wakabayashi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, A Voice Dialog Editor Based on Finite State Transducer Using Composite State for Tablet Devices, Proc. of IEEE/ACS ICIS 2015, Las vegas, 2015.6.29.
  21. Tomohiro Yanagi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, Development of Mobile Voice Navigation System Using User-Based Mobile Maps Annotations, Proc. of IEEE/ACS ICIS 2015, pp. 373 - 378, Las vegas, 2015.6.30.
  22. Masaki Murase, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, On-demand Generalization of Guide Maps with Road Networks and Category-based Web Search Results, Proc. of W2GIS 2015, Springer LNCS, vol. 9080, pp 53-70, 2015,
  23. Yuichi Matsushita, Takahiro Uchiya, Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takumi Ichi, Construction of Crowdsourcing Environment for Creation of Voice Interaction Scenario, Proc. of the IEEE GCCE 2014, pp.689-690, 2014.
  24. Ryota Nishimura, Koji Sugioka, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takahiro Uchiya, Ichi Takumi, A VoIP-based Voice Interaction System for a Virtual Telephone Operator Using Video Calls, Proc. of the IEEE GCCE 2014, pp.529-532, 2014.
  25. Ryota Nishimura, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takahiro Uchiya, Ichi Takumi, Development of a Dialogue Scenario Editor on a Web Browser for a Spoken Dialogue System, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Human Agent Interaction, ACM digital library, pp. 129-132, 2014.
  26. Daisuke Yamamoto, Keiichiro Oura, Ryota Nishimura, Takahiro Uchiya, Akinobu Lee, Ichi Takumi and Keiichi Tokuda, Voice Interaction System with 3D-CG Human Agent for Stand-alone Smartphones, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Human Agent Interaction, ACM digital library, pp.320-330, 2014.
  27. Takahiro Uchiya, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryota Nishimura, Ichi Takumi, Tetsuo Kinoshita "Proposal of Voice Control-based Interactive Design Method of Agent System," Proc. of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC2014), pp.496-500, Aug. 2014.
  28. Hiroya Mizutani, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, A Geometric Transformation Method for preventing Focuses from Overlapping in a Focus+Glue+Context Map, Proceedings of the The Second International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web (EBW2014), pp.5-13, 2014.
  29. Kiichi Hikawa, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, Making a Travel Diary from GPS Traces Using an Area-Based Reverse Geocoder, Proceeding of the MMEDIA 2014, pp.85-90, 2014.
  30. Yuichiro TATEIWA, Junya NOUMI, Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Naohisa TAKAHASHI, Support System for Analyzing the Solution Process for Network Construction Exercises with Virtual Machines, Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, pp. 329-338, 2013.6.
  31. Hirotaka Itoh, Yuma Itoh, Kenji Funahashi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Shoichi Saito, Ichi Takumi, Hiroshi Matsuo, Forecasting Students' Future Academic Records Using Past Attendance Recording Data and Grade Data, Proceedings of the 17 th International Conference in Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, pp.921-927, 2013.
  32. Yuichiro Tateiwa, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, A system to help students analyze errors in their programs by supporting programming comprehension in assembly programming exercises, Proceedings of the ICIW 2012, pp 244-252, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012.
  33. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, Encoding travel traces by using road networks and routing algorithms, Proceedings of the KES IIMSS 2012, Gifu, pp.233-243, 2012.5.25.
  34. Hiroya Mizutani, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, A Fusion of Multiple Focuses on a Focus + Glue + Context Map Fusion, Proceedings of the KES IIMSS 2012, Gifu, pp.11-21, 2012.5.25.
  35. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Daisuke Yamamoto and Naohisa Takahashi, Making a Pictorial and Verbal Travel Trace from a GPS Trace, Proceedings of W2GIS2012, Naples, Itary, pp.98-115, 2012.4.13.
  36. Daisuke Yamamoto, Hiroki Itoh, Naohisa Takahashi, One Click Focusing: An SQL-based Fast Loop Road Extraction Method for Mobile Map Service, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services (GEOProcessing 2012), pp.7-16, Valencia, Spain,2012.1.30 (採択率29%)
  37. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, Inferring and focusing Areas of Interest from GPS traces, Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on web & wireless geographical information systems (W2GIS 2011), LNCS, Vol.6574, pp176-187, 2011.3.4
  38. Atsushi Morii, Daisuke Yamamoto and Kenji Funahashi, Interactive Manipulation Model of Group of Individual Bodies for VR Cooking System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No.6243, Proc. ICEC 2010, pp.484-486 (2010.9.10, Seoul, Korea)
  39. Pablo Martinez Lerin, Shotaro Ozeki, Daisuke Yamamoto, Naohisa Takahashi, A TRAVEL ROUTE EDITOR ON A FOCUS+GLUE+CONTEXT MAP, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing and Services (WebMGS 2010), Session 7-2 (online), 2010.8.27
  40. Daisuke Yamamoto, Kohei Hukuhara, Naohisa Takahashi, A Focus Control Method Based on City Blocks for the Focus+Glue+Context Map, Proceedings of the IEEE 24th Internatinal Conference on Adavanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (DMWPC 2010), Perth, Australia, pp.956-961, 2010.4.21. [本文(PDF)]
  41. Daisuke Yamamoto, Shotaro Ozeki, Naohisa Takahashi, Wired Fisheye Lens: A Motion-based Improved Fisheye Interface for Mobile Web Map Services , Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on web & wireless geographical information systems (W2GIS 2009), Maynooth, Ireland, LNCS, Vol.5886, pp.153-170, 2009.12.8 [本文(PDF)]
  42. Daisuke Yamamoto, Ichi Takumi, Hiroshi Matuo, Location-Based Social Network Services Employing Student Cards for University, LBSN 2009, Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks, Seattle, Washington ,pp.21-24, 2009.11.3. [本文(PDF)]
  43. Daisuke Yamamoto, Shotaro Ozeki, Naohisa Takahashi, Focus+Glue+Context: An Improved Fisheye Approach for Web Map Services, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009, Seattle, Washington, pp.101-110, 2009.11.4 (採択率 38/185 = 20.5%) [本文(PDF)]
  44. Daisuke Yamamoto, Tomoki Masuda, Shigeki Ohira, and Katashi Nagao. Collaborative Video Scene Annotation Based on Tag Cloud, Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim Conference of Multimedia 2008, Tainan, Taiwan, LNCS, Vol.5353, pp.397-406, Springer-Verlag, 2008.12.11 (採択率 79/210 = 37%) [本文(PDF)]
  45. Daisuke Yamamoto, Kazuya Taniguchi, Shotaro Ozeki and Naohisa Takahashi. Ontology-based Abstraction on Elastic Mobile Maps, Third International Workshop on Ubiquitous, Pervasive and Internet Mapping, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, Sep. 10-11, b1, 2008.9.
  46. Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Shigeki OHIRA, Katashi NAGAO. Weblog-style Video Annotation and Syndication, Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2005), Florence, Italy, pp.235-238 (2005.12).
  47. Katashi NAGAO, Katsuhiko KAJI, Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Hironori TOMOBE. Discussion Mining: Annotation-Based Knowledge Discovery from Real World Activities, The Fifth Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2004), Tokyo, Japan, pp.522-531, 2004.11.
  48. Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Katashi NAGAO. iVAS: Web-based Video Annotation System and its Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, [PDF], demo 29, Hiroshima, Japan, 2004.11.
  49. Katashi NAGAO, Hayato YAMANE, Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Nobutaka KITO, Kazuya TANAKA. Attentive Townvehicle: Communicating Personal Intelligent Vehicles. Proceeding of the Second Symposium on Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure, pp.159-161, Nagoya, Japan, 2003.


  1. 山本 大介, メイちゃん - 半田市での取り組み -, 地域活性化シンポジウム「双方向音声案内サイネージシステムを利用したまちづくり」, 半田市, 2014年4月12日.
  2. 山本 大介, スマートフォン向け音声対話3Dエージェントの開発, 情報処理学会東海支部講演会, 2013年10月23日.
  3. 山本 大介, スマートフォンのためのスタンドアローン型モバイル音声対話エージェントの取り組み, 平成25年度電気関係学会東海支部連合大会 シンポジウム, 2013年9月24・・
  4. 山本 大介, 音声・ホ話3Dエージェント「メイちゃん」の開発と運用 - 大型サイネージからスマートフォンまで -, 東海工学教育協会講演会, 2013年5月24日.
  5. Keiichi Tokuda, Akinobu Lee, Daisuke Yamamoto (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Junichi Ymagishi (University of Edinburgh), Spoken dialogue system framework based on user-generated content, CREST Symposium on Human-Harmonized Information Technology - Beavior, Interaction, Music, and UGC -, 2012.04.01.
  6. 山本 大介, Webコミュニティとマルチメディアの融合, 第21回ヒ・・[マンインタフェース研究会, 2011.12.19.
  7. 2009年10月/11月 ブラザー工業株式会社
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